Monday, May 25, 2009

Today I decided my life

Or some of it.
I ofically decided I want to join the Marine Corps.
Not just that I want to, but that I'm going to.

Taking Chance is really what put me over the edge.
I can't stand just sitting around anymore.
I want to take action, to do something, and be a part of something
bigger than myself.

I spent about an hour untying the flag some kid was using for a hammok in the Goo Lagoon
And hung it up over the train bridge.
I think I'll go back there tomorrow morning to write Freedom Isn't Free near it.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The days leading to summer are always longest

And that holds some truth.
I spent the day with my favorite today.
I like seeing him outside of the hallways, very nice boy.
I showed him the house on River road. He seemed to enjoy it.
We spent most of the time talking, and me being a big flirt.
But hey, it works.
Though he was a little akward with it, I'm sure it'll smooth out in time.
I had a good day though.
Managed to take a few nice shots form the day.

Friday, May 8, 2009

I was drowning under the trees

for the rain has lasted nine days. Nine.
until today, the sun is winning it's battle.
Clouds are leaving it be.
It did falter for a bit, i was begining to worry.
I can't stand the grey. I need the sun. Photosysthesis cannot happen otherwise.
Besides, i don't like to be white. The world needs shadows
It is friday, and it may be a party tonight.
I've been out of the nightlife for so long.
But for now i will revel in rays.