Saturday, April 25, 2009

Today is saturday bluebird

and the day is beautiful outside.
Reaching up to the 70's.
The sun is spreading all kinds of yellow love outside;
Recieved a call from Anthony, wanted to hang out in Westhampton today
will bike over in a bit.

Going to dress first, so i can apply to work
Summer is almost here, i can feel i

Friday, April 17, 2009

Winter has slipped through the fingers

And i don't mind so much. Still it's hard to believe it's already midway through April.
A month and a half more, and it'll be summer again.
Though i do need to start looking for jobs. It'll be nice to have money, only to leave here.
I'm probably going to try the country club, a friend said he's going to end up there too, if he can't be with the dutch boys in the bakery.
Maybe that's what I'll do this weekend. Sammy's back.
Also a stop at the salvation army is in order. Possibly tomorrow, who knows.
The world is our oyster.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Whatever you heard

Well let's just go with that.

Was going to head out tonight stargazing, but stayed inside instead
The clouds were begining to move in, and the boy couldn't drive out here.

My dreams of the Northwest were shattered this morning. I'll never forgive them.
But i will miss them like crazy. Still do. Always will. That's just how he is, and i love it.